April Wensel - My talk at myConf 2024
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Watch the talk here:
Maximize Humanity with Compassion With all the time we spend on machines, it’s easy to forget that we are human beings, and so are our collaborators and customers. If we neglect the human side of our work, we can end up fighting with coworkers, disappointing users, and even burning out. Thankfully, we can harness the power of compassion to help us reconnect with our humanity. Compassion isn’t just something soft and fuzzy – it’s a rational choice that helps us minimize suffering and maximize human flourishing. In this talk, you’ll learn concrete steps for applying compassion to manage your stress levels, connect more deeply with your coworkers, create products that delight users, and ultimately leave a more positive impact on the world. You can find April on LinkedIn using the link below: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aprilwensel/ This presentation was recorded on 20 May 2024. Follow us on LinkedIn or check our website for news on future webinars. factor10: Website: https://factor10.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/factor10-solutions-ab/ myConf: Website: https://myconf.io/
Watch the talk here: https://myconf.io/news/myconf-2024/speaker-announcement-james-lewis/
Watch the talk here: https://myconf.io/news/myconf-2024/speaker-announcement-susanne-kaiser/
Watch the talk here: https://myconf.io/news/myconf-2024/speaker-announcement-emily-bache/
Watch the talk here: https://myconf.io/news/myconf-2024/speaker-announcement-tamara-carleton/
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